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Asbestos Removal in Los Angeles, CA | Los Angeles Asbestos Abatement | Quality Environmental Inc.
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Absestos Removal at Quality Environmental, Inc.

Looking for asbestos removal in Los Angeles? Asbestos is a naturally-occurring mineral that is carcinogenic and can cause serious health problems for people who are exposed to it, especially via inhalation. Asbestos can be managed if the material is in a stable condition, otherwise it should be removed as soon as possible to avoid accidental disturbance of unstable asbestos particles which may become airborne.

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral substance composed of needle-like fibers that resist fire. Each type of asbestos looks and acts differently, but all can be used in building materials, and all are dangerous and can be lethal. Never touch or get too close to an area that you suspect may contain asbestos.

One important thing to know is that asbestos fibers are extremely fine and can’t be identified with the naked eye. Understanding asbestos is a vital part of avoiding and getting rid of this dangerous material that remains in many buildings and homes today.

The most common type of asbestos in homes and buildings is white asbestos. This substance is often mixed with other materials, such as concrete or asphalt. In older homes or buildings, these materials should always be checked for asbestos.

Our asbestos abatement & inspection: Basic procedure

If you are planning on renovating an older building, the process could disturb existing asbestos and pose a risk to people in and around the building and area of renovation. Our basic asbestos removal in Los Angeles involves:

  • The assessment of the asbestos-containing material including the extent of it as well as the condition it is in.
  • Preparing the area or worksite for the removal of the asbestos containing material which could include the use of drop sheets or other containment items that are impervious to asbestos.
  • Removing the asbestos in such a way as to minimize the disturbance of the asbestos particles so that they do not become airborne.

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The precautions Quality Environmental takes during asbestos removal

At Quality Environmental, Inc., we handle asbestos abatement in Los Angeles safely, professionally, and quickly. While the quality and safety of our service is our top priority, we take it one step further to implement safety protocols to help your organization avoid health issues in the future, with a professional asbestos abatement process.

This process includes:

  • Sealing the area where the asbestos containing material is being removed.
  • Carefully treating the materials that require removal without disturbing the asbestos and/or using vacuums and HEPA air filters depending on the specific procedure for the materials being removed.
  • Disposing of the materials per state and federal asbestos disposal regulations

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How do I know if my commercial property or personal home has asbestos?

If your commercial building or residence is older, there is a chance it could contain asbestos. Some signs that might indicate asbestos is present are as follows:

  • The structure or home was built before 1980
  • The building or home has old walls
  • The plumbing system is older and has old pipes
  • Heating elements are older
  • There are blankets, tapes, and other insulation of unknown material around gaskets, furnaces, and pipes
  • Insulation resembles rocky gravel that is grayish, brown, or silvery gold
  • The flooring is vinyl or rubber
  • There is black adhesive under the tiling
  • There is a cement water tank
  • There is old cement in the building as a part of the roof or walls

The importance of proper asbestos disposal

Proper disposal is key to ensuring safety in the future. Asbestos containing materials are kept intact during the removal process unless it is impossible to remove the materials without damage. During our office building asbestos removal in Los Angeles, care is taken to ensure that minimal dust is created so that they can be disposed of safely. Proper disposal involves minimal disturbance to the materials so that the air quality both within and outside the worksite is healthy.

All materials must be soaked in water to prevent dust from getting into the air so that removal can take place. The material is then double bagged in thick hazardous waste bags that are impervious to asbestos particles. Having the asbestos correctly and thoroughly contained for disposal keeps both the worksite and public safe from asbestos exposure.

When should you call a professional?

If asbestos is found, it is essential to address it immediately. Asbestos has been linked to lung diseases triggered by breathing airborne asbestos fibers that irritate and scar the lungs. While undisturbed asbestos is not a threat to your health, airborne asbestos can be a disaster waiting to happen. The compound can be disturbed and leaked into the air during remodeling projects, deterioration, or demolition, among other events. Since removing asbestos is not a simple or easy task, it is best left to professionals. Our company will test your environment as well as give you an estimate on the asbestos removal cost, follow the strictest regulations, and utilize state-of-the-art removal equipment to ensure your health, well-being, and safety.

OSHA standards for asbestos exposure

Depending on the type of workplace, OSHA has three different standards to protect workers from asbestos exposure:

  • 29 CFR 1910.1001 covers general industry. This includes the manufacturing of products that contain asbestos, brake and clutch repair, and maintenance work.
  • 29 CFR 1915.1001 applies to asbestos in shipyards. It covers construction, repair, maintenance, alteration, renovation, and demolition of asbestos-containing structures in shipyards.
  • 29 CFR 1926 1101 covers the construction industry. It provides protection for workers engaged in construction, demolition, repair, maintenance, alteration, or renovation of structures containing asbestos.

Requirements for employers under OSHA standards

Workplaces are required to adhere to OSHA safety standards. For structural areas that may contain asbestos, an assessment must be completed to determine if it is present, and if the activities pose a risk of generating airborne fibers. Employers must ensure that no one is exposed to asbestos beyond the permissible exposure limit (PEL), which is 0.1 fiber per cubic centimeter of air as an 8-hour time-weighted average. OSHA has also set an excursion limit (EL) of 1.0 asbestos fibers per cubic centimeter over a 30-minute period.

Additional OSHA requirements include:

  • Monitoring to detect if exposure goes above PEL or EL
  • Demarcation and critical barriers placed, such as plastic sheeting over all openings, or negative pressure enclosures
  • Decontamination areas with proper hygiene separate from lunch areas
  • Certification and training for workers
  • Medical surveillance
  • Recordkeeping

What kind of projects could release asbestos?

Many renovation or remodeling projects have the potential to release asbestos fibers. If you are contemplating an update to a building, you should contact a certified expert to test for the presence of asbestos at the earliest stage of your project. Projects such as the following have the potential to release asbestos depending on the age of the house or building:

  • Cutting a ceiling section
  • Replacing or repairing plumbing or fixtures
  • Cutting through siding
  • Replacing flooring
  • Removing existing walls

If asbestos is found to be present, you will need the services of a certified asbestos removal specialist to proceed with your project.

What does the law require for asbestos removal?

Chapter 8 of the California Code of Regulations provides complete guidelines regarding the handling and disposal of asbestos. Employees and contractors working on projects larger than 100 sq. ft. are required to be certified and to be registered with the Asbestos Contractors’ Registration Organization. California asbestos law also outlines four classes of operations for asbestos abatement with each class delineating the steps and actions that must be taken for that operation. Each class includes the safety protocols and guidelines for the set-up of removal areas and the removal, disposal or management of asbestos containing materials.

Classes of operations for asbestos abatement and management

  • Class 1 operations include the removal of asbestos from furnaces and ducts for thermal systems.
  • Class 2 involves the removal of asbestos from construction materials such as flooring, roofing, sheeting, etc. This class outlines the removal and disposal procedures for these materials.
  • Class 3 involves repair work on buildings and similar operations and follows the same regulations as the previous two classes.
  • Class 4 involves work that has employees contacting without disturbing asbestos, such as custodial or maintenance work. Employees must wear the regulation safety equipment when working in proximity to asbestos containing materials.

Choosing a project partner

The Contractors State License Board offers a guide for consumers regarding asbestos and asbestos removal. It offers guidelines for choosing a project partner, including:

  • Get bids from at least three licensed contractors who have the required certifications. These can be verified at
  • Make sure that the project is clearly defined and that the bid covers all the work that you are expecting to be done.
  • Ask for references.
  • Request a work plan.
  • Engage a certified consultant to oversee the work and provide clearance monitoring.
  • Verify that the contractor has general and asbestos-specific insurance and a current and valid license bond.

Our licensing

Our licenses include:

Our classifications include:

Our licensing allows us to manage the entire asbestos abatement process for your company, from set-up and removal through to preparing the area for further or future work. We can properly assess the requirements of the jobsite to ensure that the transition is smooth and standardly performed.

Quality Environmental Inc. performs Asbestos Removal in Los Angeles

Why choose Quality Environmental for Asbestos Removal

Quality Environmental, Inc. meets all California requirements for companies offering asbestos removal in Los Angeles. We are committed to providing the best customer service possible, a commitment that takes on extra meaning when hazardous materials are involved. We aim to keep workers and the public safe during asbestos abatement procedures. Following standard regulations and protocol to ensure that the area stays safe from the asbestos containing material even after it is removed.

Contact us to find out more about our unique qualifications and experience in regard to this specialty, our industry know-how, state-of-the-art equipment and our many satisfied customers.

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